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Climate Smart Agriculture

--- Welcome to Our Climate Smart Agriculture Page

Uganda’s population is 80% agricultural in nature, and that puts agriculture at the top rank for employment. However, this has grossly been affected by climate changes in Uganda where by we experience longer and hotter droughts due to deforestation and farming of swamps, amongst other man related activities.

WWF mainly works with vulnerable households such as Teen Moms and Child Headed Households (CHHs) who regularly face food insecurity. This is mainly caused by lack of adequate access to land as an asset for agricultural production in Teso Sub Region as well as effects of climate change. When farming household suffer crop failure; the Teen Moms and CHHs are worst hit with many immediately becoming food insecure due to absence of both social safety nets and resilience strategies.

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) adoption among male and female smallholder farmers in Teso is low. Barriers to CSA adoption in Northern Uganda mainly derive from inadequate sensitization, information, knowledge and skills on CSA among farmers; and weak financial capacity and donor dependence.

WWF intends to build the resilience of Teen Moms and CHH households through Climate smart Agriculture. The key components of interest to WWF are: Use of quality seeds and planting materials of well-adapted crops and varieties, Biodiversity management, Sustainable soil and land management for increased crop productivity, Sustainable mechanization, Agroforestry (greening Teso).

Our success in this project will look like: increased productivity of Small Holder Farmers especially teen Moms and CHHs, increased resilience and food security of SHFs and CHHs and improved incomes from farming among the CHHs.

Climate Smart Agriculture Target outcomes:

Climate Smart Agriculture

Our target for Agriculture in 5 years

  • Introduce alternative smart agriculture to address resilience of communities to longer droughts and unreliable rains specializing in high protein foods (soya bean, chick peas and sun flower), while raising piggery and poultry for commercial purposes to 3000 households.
  • Introduce simple irrigation schemes that can be used in places near the lakes and swamps to 1000 households.
  • Strengthen the use of local varieties and short-term seeds for planting to 10,000 households
  • Afforestrate, and re-afforest rate areas that have never had trees and gazette areas that have been cut down to 20,000 acres of land.
Thank you for your Support, It will Go to Support The Climate Smart Agriculture